Once a group of young scholars assembled for a discourse on philosophy. They presented wonderful arguments in favour of their philosophies and yet could not reach a conclusion as to which philosophy is the best. They finally decided that they would continue to meet again every year and discuss more about the perfect philosophy of life. They met again many a times and continued their discussion for many years yet a final solution was not forthcoming. During these years they acquired education from good institutes, got good employment, married, settled in life, had their own children, became members of many research institutes and made steady progress in their life. They kept providing arguments in favour of their philosophies and yet didn’t reach any agreement about a perfect philosophy of life.
Every individual included in the group was a staunch believer in their own philosophy which they followed and evolved along with their daily lives. Finally when they thought a conclusion was impossible they visited a wise man. They put forward their predicament to him. The wise man reminded all of them about the useful life they had led while discussing their philosophies and how each philosophy was shaped and built upon their respective experiences. He told them about how they had lived a fulfilling life while searching for a solution to the mysteries of life. Then he asked them whether they were questioning the authenticity of their own experiences. The philosophers replied in negative. The wise man then asked them a simple question, “What else are you looking for ?”
Philosophy said the wise man, is a search of wisdom. The most important wisdom is to find a perfect way of living which differs from one person to another more because of our own individual nature. The wise man then said that the confusion in the mind arises when after living an entire life we begin to question the authenticity of our own living and existence. To be inquisitive is necessary but to be doubtful is not essential. That life provides us enough opportunities to learn, grow and mature is the actual purpose of life and the way the life is lived is a complete and perfect proof and most significant factor in deciding the authenticity of any philosophy or outlook of the world.