Epistemology (the theory of knowledge) and inquisitiveness
Plato’s cave allegory and learning
Plato proposed an allegory of cave to differentiate between the effect of education and lack of it in nature.
He imagined people without knowledge as prisoners inside a dark cave and a blank wall in front of them. There was a fire outside the cave and the reflection of whosoever passed in front of the fire was projected on the blank wall. Plato said the education was like a freed prisoner who saw the fire and realised that the prisoners were just watching the shadow’s and thinking them as reality.
He then says that even if the freed prisoner goes back into the cave and wants to bring other prisoner outside, nobody would believe him and remain ignorant unless they want to free themselves.
Epistemology – On inquisitiveness
I differ with Plato here. I believe that we have certain innate ideas which define our individual nature. One of the most important of the those innate ideas is inquisitiveness. Inquisitiveness to know about the world and the truth. It is this Inquisitiveness which is the beginning of our knowledge. We don’t just see the light behind us projecting on walls. We are blessed with this Inquisitiveness from the very birth as a part of our evolution and a field of knowledge called nature in front of us to gain knowledge.
We might be intrigued by the world outside and may feel that we are in bondage. But as we emerge out of all this through knowledge and wisdom, we also realise that our initial individual nature and each event which we passed through, was essential for our growth and understanding.
I do agree that education, does stimulate this growth multifold but I also believe that, just because we see a shadow of ourselves and of others in presence of light, we do not presume the entire world to be an illusion like the shadow. It’s more important to focus on the real being, it’s growth and the light which allows reality to exist and allows us to learn and acquire knowledge.