Unifying philosophy and science – universal symmetry and idea of oneness
Life has symmetry both inside and out There is an order of three in implicate order inside
reciprocated with the three explicate orders outside
The three fundamental forces operating
In the three dimensional nature outside and corresponding three gauze theories
There are three lepton generations
Three generations of quarks
There are three order generic in lagrangians
which describe physical systems
The three representations of double cover of poincare group
describing the spins of zero, one and half
The universe is in perfect summetry
in oneness and spirit of life.
There is perfect order of thought and logic
Guiding us towards the truth of life
There is perfection in all fields of knowledge
Perfection in the growth of philosophy and science
There is perfection in the every act of creator and creation
Inspiring and guiding us in every walk of life
The implicate and explicate order work in tandem
In perfect relationship established by spirit and idea of life
We are here to understand this symmetry and oneness
and eventually become one with the truth of life.