
Unifying science and philosophy -What cannot be measured can be understood and applied

Philosophy quote

Unifying science and philosophy

What cannot be measured can be understood and applied

Science meets Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in measurement and it realises that not all aspects of life and universe can be measured. From philosophical point of view, our consciousness can understand many aspects of life which cannot be measured and more importantly apply them too. These applications are the hallmark of science. Consider the fact; scientist came to know about Higgs boson from its properties much before they could detect it at CERN.  Similarly, science have known about dark matter and dark energy by understanding their gravitational effects even though we do not know about their exact nature. Science today claims to have produced particles out of nothing but there are more mysteries yet to be revealed provided we are ready to understand and learn about their scientific applications. Science and philosophy will have to unite in order to understand the true nature of reality.


Unifying philosophy and science- emergence and reduction

Philosophy quote

Unifying philosophy and science

Science is correct when it says that any theory of consciousness proposed by philosophy must also explain the physics of observable universe. Philosophy seems to explain a lot about consciousness but fails when it comes to physicality and the observable universe. Science till now has no definitive clues with regards to consciousness. All the theories proposed by science about consciousness are incomplete.There is a solution if we regard both consciousness and physicality as products of a single factor. This unifying factor will be the supersymmetry which could give rise to physicality as a reductive property and consciousness as emergent property. This unifying factor would include both subjective and objective aspects in its being and ideas.


unifying science and philosophy – Copernican and anthropic principle

Philosophy quote 79

Unifying philosophy and science

Copernican and Anthropic principles

The Copernican revolution in science brought into focus a heliocentric model and later an astronomical model wherein the role of the observer was negligible. Philosophy on the other hand, specifically the weak and strong anthropic principles, point towards the role of the observer in determining constants of nature and formation of the universe.When I speak of unifying philosophy and science, I speak about a reciprocal and covariant role between the observer and the science he/ she deciphers. Science cannot be without an observer with a scientific temper. It is this reciprocation which is fundamental and in it hides the truth because it establishes the connection between both. The truth is not that which pertains only to the mind or the body. Truth is that which creates, permeates and ultimately unifies the mind and body both.


Thought and understanding

Unifying philosophy and science-

Thought and understanding

Philosophy over centuries has glorified the role of thoughts in our life. Thought however does not entail understanding. Thought pertains to the mind and is the beginning of understanding. Consider a child of grade III who begins to speak gravity. Consider also a student of grade 10 who begins to learn and think about gravity. Does it entail both understand gravity? Obviously not. Even a graduate student may not grasp the concepts of Newtonian and Einstein’s gravity. Even Einstein’s relativity theory fails to account for the increased velocities of stars in the large galaxies and hence new theories of modified gravity talking about dark matter and dark energies are being postulated. Without accounting for gravity, a unified field theory (of knowledge) will not frutify. Understanding is about grasping the concept in totality which may take many generations of hard work and effort. Understanding not only requires thoughtful effort but also appropriate experience, learning and measurements from nature. Science and philosophy therefore will have to work together in grasping the ultimate reality.


On science, philosophy and learning

Science, philosophy and learning

Science and philosophy are interconnected and differ only in their direction.

On one hand philosophy talks about ideas and meaning in life and on other hand science talks about physical world and natural laws which connect them.

Philosophy has to realise that ideas cannot be empty. They have to have both understandings and applications, with each having equal importance. The application part must give rise to nature.Science also has to realise and believe that physical world is based on fundamental natural laws and unifying ideas which can be understood by the mind.

Both science and philosophy unite in the innate natural ideas which can be defined as natural ideas with both understandings and applications.

At individual level science and philosophy unite in the learning of these natural ideas.


Philosophy of language

On words, meanings and languages

The most important language is the symbolic language of nature. It is the language which speaks not in words, but in examples. All languages develop in coherence and in conjunction with this symbolic language of nature.

The neural mechanisms explain how we comprehend a language when there is multisensoryintegration in wernicke’s area of the brain. This part of the brain located in left posterio-superior temporal lobe recieves fibres from the visual cortex of occipital lobe, sensory and tactile fibres from the parietal lobe and auditory fibres from the temporal lobe. Networks involving temporoal and inferior frontal cortex with left lateralisation support syntactic processes. Whereas less lateralised networks control semantic processes and right predominant networks control Prosodic functions.

What is more important is that there is definite role of external sensations from the nature stimulating the above areas in developing a language. Without appropriate sensations language functions would be incomplete.

Those who cannot see since birth can still learn spoken language. Those who cannot listen since birth cannot speak but can learn the speech(lip) reading and sign language. Those who are deaf blind can learn Braille language.

Logically speaking, one or more mode of sensation is necessary to learn a language. Nature provides all the predicates of a language.


On morality, ethics, character, self worth and self respect

On morality, ethics and character

Human life and the moral values are intricately connected. Greek ‘ethikos” ‘(ethical) is adjective cognate of ‘ethos'(character) . Hence moral virtue can be also called the excellence of character.
Character is about combination of qualities which make an individual an ethically admirable person.
Character is a set of qualities which inspire an individual from within, to live a worthy life and to make life liveable for future generations to come.
The foundation of most religions of the world have their basis in the basic morals which govern and determine a valuable life.
We seem to require a morally upright God or ideal person to provide us directions in leading a virtuous life.
We look upon our elders to guide us in difficult moral situation.
Socrates stated that virtue is knowledge and man sins only from ignorance: he who is virtuous is happy.
These words of Socrates were the driving force behind the question as to what constitutes virtue and a virtuous life.
Any philosophical discussion of moral values begins with discussing relativism which states that moral and political values have no universal validity but are valid only for the specific epoch and culture on which they originate.
What was valid last century will not remain in next century because many aspects of our life would be changed by then. What is valid for a given culture may not be so for another culture.
“Everything is fair in love and war” a socially privileged person might say but a person who belongs to poorer section might stick more to morality or religion. So, are there social and economic reasons behind the moral principles we follow ?
So, are there any definitive moral principles which govern our living?
Marx believed that morality and religion is used by the bourgeoisie (rich and powerful) to control the proletariat (poorer and labour class).
The rich on their own never followed any moral or ethical rules for the betterment of society. He even believed that religion was used by ruling class to subdue the poorer section and to keep social order. So, it’s true that there are economic influences upon the moral fabric of an individual.
I have a different perspective of all the moral aspects. I believe morality and virtue is relative according to time and place and also influenced by economic factors.
But the more important aspect determining morality and ethics is the human will and our  self worth and self respect. If we understand that ethics and character are about self worth and self respect then it becomes easy and a lot understandable.
We have to realise that life is connected to everything around not only by physical laws but also with the laws of perception and interpretation and eventually with our will to change.
There are certain core values which define human life. These values are life sustaining, life strengthening and also constitute life. We may deny honesty, compassion and generosity but we cannot deny the integrity and courage which follow them. Love and strength go hand in hand. Humans can have a sense of dignity only when there is realisation of self worth and self respect.
The ability of sustaining every value of life depend upon our own self respect.
If we have a decent self respect and value life, we shall maintain a respectable character and believe in ethics. If we do not believe in any self respect then humans are no different from any other biological species.
A man with self respect would always have a rich character and remain steadfast to the core values of life no matter which situation he is put into.
If necessary, such man will be ready to take a stand for all that which makes life valuable.


Logic and mathematics

On logic and mathematics

Only logically valid mathematical operations are universal.

Consider a simple mathematical operation like 1+1 is equal to how much? Any nursery going child will answer it as 2.
Yes, so simple.
Now consider adding 1 apple and 1 apple, how many? Obviously 2 apples.
Now consider adding 1 apple and 1 orange, how much?
Not so simple isn’t it ?😀
We cannot add two dissimilar objects because they don’t belong to same set of fruits. They belong to different sets.
Now consider sets.
Sets are mathematical collection of objects with similar qualities. For example a set of odd or even numbers or a set of fruits.
We can carry out all mathematical functions in between the objects of a single set because it’s objects have similar qualities.
Hence two apples can be added but an apple and an orange cannot be added unless you consider a larger set consisting of all fruits.
So, in order to conduct all mathematical operations, the first thing we have to do is; remove distinctions between all objects and consider only the universal set.
This allows all possible operations to be carried out among entities and let them have different qualities at the same time.
So 1+1 is 2 only when both the 1 belong to same set or it is an operation in a universal set.
The principles and operations of mathematics have to follow logical rules to have a universal application.
Did you get the logic of the discussion?

Only logically valid mathematical operations are universal.


The most important langauge is the symbolic language of nature. It is the language which speaks not in words but in examples.

On words, meanings and languages

If words alone contained their own meanings then we would have had a single language all over the world.
Meanings exist in the mind and nature also and we choose words to express those meanings. It is for this reason that those populations which were unconnected due to geographical reasons developed completely different languages.
As we grow older, each one of us can develop a language of our own in our minds. Many code languages are used by many secret service agents also and modified as per need.
However, language is not just means of discussing with ourselves but also communicating with others.
If we develop a new language of our own, we would not be understood by anyone else or will be understood by others with great difficulty.
We therefore learn a language which is already in use in the community so that we could communicate with everyone easily.

A traditional or native language is borne out of meanings of many generations. A traditional or native language is borne out of thinking of many people of the past- Cogitamus Ergo Sumus.
Practically speaking, we can develop our own unique language after a certain age, but we need not waste time doing so, because not many people will be interested in learning our new language. The best language is the language which is already in acceptance at the place where we live. And remember this native language is borne out of the thinking of many minds in past. Words acquire their meanings because we agree to believe it so, based on our common thinking.

The last and most important point (scientific as well as logical one)….

The most important language is the symbolic language of nature. It is the language which speaks not in words but in examples. All languages develop in coherence and in conjunction with this symbolic language of nature. Mind and nature connect with each other by this language.

(Will elaborate on this topic in times to come)


Cogitamus Ergo Sumus

It is necessary that every person who wishes to take vaccine must be vaccinated. This is valid not just for India but the entire population of Earth. This is specifically important because the virus is mutating at a rapid pace and from place to place. As long as herd immunity is not developed, the virus will keep mutating, circulating around and keep infecting people. Vaccination will help in development of this herd immunity.
This is the time when WHO and other leaders of the world should take responsibility and think about vaccinating each and every individual of the planet. This will prevent further mortality due to virus.
It is disaster time and I understand the vaccine companies have to take care of their financial aspects but it is time when WHO and economically developed countries should come forward and take complete onus of vaccinating the entire population. The vaccine companies should make whatever concessions they could make.

In this regard I invoke the spirit on oneness and solidarity
(Cogitamus Ergo Sumus)

We may belong to different nations of the world but we know we inhabit one planet Earth and one Universe.
We may belong to different caste, creed, colour or religion but we know we are one humanity.
We may be different individuals but we strive and seek a common universal truth.

“No matter which nation of the world we may belong to
No matter which religion of the world we may belong to
No matter which language of the world we might speak
No matter which colour, caste or creed we may belong to
We all are one in our spirits.”